My Palm Vaporizer Review [Video]

What you can see above is the Palm vaporizer version 1.0 by VaporBlunt Inc. and what you’ll get by watching it is my thoughts on it. You have to realize that this is just my opinion so take it or leave it but that’s all it is. There’s a lot of information on these floating around the web so I’m not going to get too deep into explaining what’s up with it but here’s a quick overview.

Uses a AA battery, works kind of like a Magic-Flight Launch Box, looks like a tobacco pipe in a sense, is lightweight, is pretty compact (not as compact as version 2.0 of the same vape), and it’s really inexpensive. I mean, this thing is cheap compared to a Pax and super cheap compared to a Volcano. This is one simple vaporization device. For all the technical details and whatnot, check out’s Palm vaporizer review. Puffit, VaporGenie, some of the Atmos vapes, and Palm are all cheap vapes in my opinion. I just mean this in terms of the cost. Vapes like the titanium ThermoVape Cera are significantly more expensive and when you get a glance at its cost you’ll know what I’m saying.

Anyways, I’m not going to talk much more about this one right now. Just watch the video and you’ve got my thoughts. I’ve got some more video reviews that I made for some other vapes so it won’t be long before I post the rest of them on here. If you like my videos, feel free to re-blog them or share them on whatever social networks you’re on. Alright, peace everyone.