My day in a nutshell

Today has been quite eventful. I’ve actually done a lot. I managed to go for a hike up to the top of a development with some breathtaking views, hiked to a lookout point where I saw a cute bear seemingly eating berries, and then I hung out with some friends while vaporizing. Good day if you ask me. It’s been hot though and based on how eventful my day has been thus far, I decided against going out to experience the nightlife and enjoy some more firework displays. I’ve seen fireworks the past two nights anyways so I’m not worried about it at this point.

Right now, I’m laying down while I watch The Glades on Netflix. I just finished eating some vegetables and chicken. I’m stuffed. I’m probably going to share one of my videos next. Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do so expect another vape review coming up next.